Nokia lumia launches it's Windows based application smart phone on December. Nokia claims that their new handset with windows application is the combination of stylish hardware with the best in stylish software. As a part of their launch in India, Nokia unveiled an integrated campaign with the creative concept ' The Amazing Every Day' which highlights phone's main components like communication, Internet and applications. the campaign reinforce people to make their everyday routine activities amazing.
Amazing every day - TVC
The campaign includes a tv commercial which showcases some extra ordinary moments possessed by people during their routine works. also there were certain ground activities held at metros and Mini Metros in India with an amazing flash mobs in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore & Hyderabad.
'Amazing' flash mob at malls
Zania during the launch of Nokia Lumia
Another ground activity included a flash cricket were a celebrity cricketer springs a surprise created in a field inside the mall. a shorter version of cricket played with consumers.
During the Christmas, Harbhajan played flash cricket with visitors at Delhi.There were also a luxury helicopter ride for consumers in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai.
Also, there were exclusive premiere for pre-bookers with tennis star Sania Mirza at Ambience Mall in Gurgaon late on Thursday.
Muralidharan Playing flash cricket in Chennai
Apart from external marketing activities, Nokia conducted Internal promotion for their product among their employees. A giant nokia life - size lumia placed on the Nokia offices and the employees were asked to tap on it and to get attractive gifts. 12th December was trated as WOW monday for Nokia employees.
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